Wildfires and Air Quality – Printed Outreach Materials (FREE)

You can order double-sided outreach cards for free. One side contains instructions for wearing an N95 mask properly and one side contains information on how to reduce exposure to smoke. These cards are available through September and then will not be available, so order…

Wildfires and Air Quality – Social Media Templates and Videos

USFS has collected smoke ready social media that can be used and modified. https://sites.google.com/firenet.gov/wfaqrp-external/smoke-ready/smoke-ready-social-media This site also includes a few videos. In addition, EPA’s Pacific Southwest region has a video on protecting children’s health from smoke: https://youtu.be/yjjDSDfonik and a video explaining the Air Quality…

Wildfires and Air Quality – Air Quality Education Resources


Wildfires and Air Quality – The Wildfire Smoke Guide for Public Health Officials

This guide offers detailed information on what public health officials should do to help their communities during wildfires. Look for updates on the post-publication updates page (coming soon: guidance on children’s use of respirator masks, and school air quality). https://www.airnow.gov/publications/wildfire-smoke-guide/wildfire-smoke-a-guide-for-public-health-officials/