What is the Air Quality Flag Program?

Community Air Quality Outreach Program

Water Quality Standards for Groundwater

Water Quality Monitoring and Testing

What does Non-Point Source mean?

Tamarisk Trees – A Threat to Native Plants

Stop Illegal Dumping

Illegal Dumping Brochure 2.0

USDA-ARS Useful Information on Composting and Links to Resources

Composting: Nature’s Way of Recycling Organic Materials Why Compost? Cities, farms, windy storms, restaurants, zoos, riding stables … and others … all produce large amounts of bulky organic materials, like leaves, tree limbs, straw, food waste, and manure. These waste materials are typically sent…

National Invasive Species Week – February 28 to March 4, 2022

National Invasive Species Week February 28 – March 4 California Sea Grant funded research seeks to understand how non-native species can impact California’s lakes, rivers, and coastal ocean. Explore our research and resources: Strategies to manage invasive species Learn to protect kelp beds and…

World Wetland Day

World Wetland Day is on February 2, 2022 Please take a moment to reflect on wetlands and their role in the ecosystem in your home region. THE FOLLOWING LINK WILL TAKE YOU TO LOCAL EVENTS FOR WORLD WETLANDS DAY! https://www.worldwetlandsday.org/

Helpful tips for a greener Thanksgiving – reducing food waste

Here is a useful article from a Blog of the US EPA on reducing food waste and having a greener Thanksgiving: https://blog.epa.gov/tag/thanksgiving/ Recognizing Leaders in Food Waste Reduction this Holiday Season By Mathy Stanislaus In just a few days, households across the nation will…

Wildfires and Air Quality – Printed Outreach Materials (FREE)

You can order double-sided outreach cards for free. One side contains instructions for wearing an N95 mask properly and one side contains information on how to reduce exposure to smoke. These cards are available through September and then will not be available, so order…